[LPC] Centaur walk cycle
I was playing around with Gimp's layer masks and ended up making a walkcycle for a Centaur using LPC assets.
This uses the "LPC Horses extended" walk cycle (https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-horse-extended) by BenCreating, which is based on the original "LPC Horses" by bluecarrot16 and the LPC base assets walk cycle, which is by Stephen Challener (Redshrike).
It should be fairly straightforward to modify these (using Gimp anyway). The file contains two layers, one for the horse's lower body and one for the (male) human upper body. In fact, these just contain the unmodified original sprites. The layers both have a mask that is used to hide the parts of the image you don't want. To change to a different body type or add cloting and weapons, just paste those into the appropriate layer and it *should* just work.
EDIT: to add, my goal was to make this without touching pixels in the original sprites. I'm aware that there are a few awkward spots that could be improved easily by hand.
TODO: give the same treatment to the gallop cycle for the horse, and add attack animations. It may make sense to then separate the spritesheet in two parts (horse lower/human upper body) so they can be combined at will. Think galloping sword swinging Centaurs.
It will also need a death animation of some sort. I have no thoughts on how to arrange that.
A word about licences: as far as I know, the listed licences are correct given the source material, but it's surprisingly hard to verify the licence on the LPC character bases. Let me know if I got it wrong.