Low Spec Triceratops
Thursday, November 18, 2021 - 02:11
Art Type:
Part of some upcoming bigger badder dinos in the set
UVd, rigged and weighted, not animated (yet!)
3 skins with 2 images/set (1 128x128 RGB body and 1 64x128 RGBA head texture), total of 6.
The .blend also contains texture nodes and all source textures.
The .zip file includes the textures and the .blend file used to make the preview.
tris: 676

Sweet! Have any plans for a trex?
It's so beautiful, I am of the opinion that PS1 was the peak of graphics, and this is exactly that.
What are your plans for these dino models? Are you planning to use them on a game or just making them for fun?
Good job!
@FiveBrosStopMos a Trex is in the works, Brontosaurus too.
@drummyfish The progress realtime graphics makes every few years blows me away. So thanks, but its a pretty silly move to generalize that. Low spec/pixelart is something I picked up when we all had to use it. It's what I know, so it is practical, tho part of it is nostalgia, and some nostalgia crept into the move to make these dinos.
@Danimal no game as far as I know!
@tonysian Thank you.