Loop - House In a Forest
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 10:48
Art Type:

Little loop that I think is suitable as background music in some playful indoor place, but it's just my opinion :)

It has one flaw, too short. I was enjoying it, then it just finished. May be I should put it to loop and listen forever :)
Awesomely catchy. I like instruments choice.
MIDI file is broken :S
fixed :)
Amazing. Is there a long version?, if there's not, that's ok, thank you very much for sharing it!
Beautiful, reminds me of Castlevania - Symphony of the Night.
Beautiful music. I used in my game "Super Bullboy", you can check it out in the link below if you get a chance.
Hey HorrorPen I used this loop in my game! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.NeonStreetGameStudios....
What a nice song
Hello HorrorPen,
What a lovely piece of music! I'm going to use it as the main game music for my hockey-like arcade game, thank you very much for posting this and making it free to use! I will upload a link to my game once it is available on Itch.io, why not come along and give it a try?
Edit :
Shapes Bash is now available for free on Itch.io! Here is the link for anyone that is interested, you can download Shapes Bash on Windows, Linux, Mac and Android :
If you just want a little look and listen to the result, here is the Shapes Bash trailer on Youtube :
Shapes Bash game trailer
Thanks again HorrorPen for this great music, it's the game's BGM!