Komato sniper Destiny Spritesheet
A komato sprite i rendered for a MUGEN project, i needed only the cels holding the rifle, to created a character, but with this huge set (Some cels are redundant, but there are over 2900 different cels, representing the space-fiend hands-free, holding her rifle and holding her hatchet. Also, the size of the files might be frightening, but a character or foe for platformers might require only 50-100 of those drawings.)
It is certainly possible to create different foes or characters with such variety.
I'm sorry about the fact the sequence might appear rather... Random. The cels are in the order i used to realize them, the sequence starts with the komato hanging from ceiling or a rail on the ceiling, there are climbing and swimming sequences, but beside the fact i don't have the time to label every actions... there isn't really an universal logic order, i'm confident who wants to create chars or foes with this sprite will figure out the actions from the drawings.
I'm publishing here a 32 bits version, with trasparent outline, and a 8 bits version for who wants to use a flat sprite but doesn't know how to do the conversion.
Here is possible to download a self-standing playable demo of the MUGEN character created with this very spriteset: http://www.mediafire.com/file/h9kx6kggm1i0jiv/AlphaStrike_DestinyDemo.zi...
It could be considered an example of character created with this spriteset.
Komato are a breed of aliens created by Daniel Remar