Jump and Run Tileset 24x24
Some Blocks you can use in whatever you want to. Probably a jump and run or something similar to minecraft.
These tiles will always look like blocks, so if you put them next to each other, they will not "break the grid" or anything.
If you miss some sort of tile, let me know that, I'll add it.
If you miss a tile that can be achieved by changing the colors, I will probably not add it... but feel free to tell me about it anyway.
Oh by the way: That guy in the preview pic and the clouds are not included. I just threw them in for a "that's how it can be" feeling. That's also why they look .... "unpolished".
If I've done something wrong, please let me know, this is my first submission on OGA.
Note: I am moving this to the speedust tileset with style changes. This tileset will not be updated in the future.

Dope, thanks dude! :)