Iji kataiser remix (base)
Since i'm working on a MUGEN version of Iji Kataiser, i decided to test the model by re-posing the sprites from the original game Iji by Daniel Remar (he's the creator of the videogame Iji.)
This spriteset contains version of each original cel, in the same scale, and some new cels to allow different actions, but.
swapping Iji's sprites in the original game is not a part of my project, i didn't test it.
In truth, this sprite should work decently, but also might require in some cel to move the feet by 1-2 pixels by translating areas and redrawing portions of the calfs or shoes.
If someone has a realistic intention of using it in a project but doesn't know how to modify the cels, i might put some time into polishing this spriteset, but as suggested above, if there is not realistic intention, i have no reasons to modify this spriteset any further.