I don't understand this equation
Thursday, July 4, 2013 - 10:04
Art Type:

Try to learn for exams → Get frustrated → Create a melancholic piano-track about it instead. Submit to OpenGameArt ... and voilà. Here it is.
EDIT: Uploaded piano score to prove high-level procrastinationvalue of this work.
Attribution Instructions:
Attribute to grindhold and grindhold.de

Great job! It has real "feels" in it :D
hello, im new here, and this song is good for my "education-game" could i have it? or download it by any chance?
@rgalaxy of course you can. i published this song under the CC-BY-SA public license.
You can use the work as long as you mention me (my website http://grindhold.de and nickname grindhold suffices) . And you may not redistribute the song itself under another license than CC-BY-SA
I hope you have fun developing the game :)
You can download the song directly from this page.
i thought this was supposed to be in a dating sim where you romance a maths teacher and so on.. lol this is great