Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - 07:15
Art Type:
3D hovercraft model.
Created for a Minetest mod but was never used.
The steering wheel image was obtained here https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Driving-wheel-vector-ima... and is licensed public domain / CC0.
The model and other textures were created by me and are licensed CC BY 4.0.

Thank you for listing the textures and sources for the content of this asset.
That certainly saves a few painful steps. Unfortunately, there are still a few left:The "Creative Commons Public License" (CCPL) does not appear to be a Creative Commons license at all. It seems to be an imitation or adaptation of one of the 6 CC licenses. Until we know more about the compatibility of CCPL with CC licenses, I have to flag those textures as having a potential licensing issue. If anyone knows of official license adaptation opinion on CCPL, please say so below.Furthermore, the steering wheel clipart (CC BY-NC 4.0) is definitely not compatible with the licenses accepted on OGA. All content in an asset must be licensed under - or adaptable to - one of the OGA-accepted licenses: CC0, OGA-BY, CC-BY, CC BY-SA, or GPL. non-commercial licenses like CC BY-NC cannot be adapted to any of those licenses.Would you be willing to find a suitable replacement for t-hose textures?EDIT: Fixed, thanks!
Thanks for the help. I found a suitable replacement for the steering wheel here https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Driving-wheel-vector-image/7352.html. This one is licensed CC0.
I created new textures for the rest using GIMP.
The .zip file has been updated with these textures.