Hit movement from a video
Monday, November 12, 2012 - 12:34
Art Type:
Pictures are extracted from the video with kdenlive. These pictures will help me make good animations for a 2D game.
I acted a bit like a panda because I wanted to make one for the game Ultimate Smash Friends.

lol ?
Try to make videos like that, and then extract pictures, you'll have fun and it helps a lot to learn animation ! But I must confess I'm not a very good model for a game, except to make the panda style !
This is not the problem of the model or the time you've spent there to create the animation. The problem is that you we "offer" an image that takes too much work to cut and create the final image. People come here to download resources because it can not draw, it does not come here to do 90% of the design.
You could have at least put us licensed C00!
This isn't exactly a game asset as far as I can tell, but rather a reference sheet for animation. Similar to concept art.
@Guyome41: While I get that this site is largely 2D based, please keep in mind some of us are more 3D based. 3D artists need refrence like this to add animations to models and set key frames. This is a potential resource for a movement cycle. I doubt the poster meant for it to be masked and used as a sprite.
I do see the utility of a reference sheet/video of this sort, but I agree with Guyome41 that it's not a usable game asset in and of itself (especially since the download is a video file). Not saying it should be removed, but perhaps it'd be better categorized under Documents than 2D Art.
That aside, I think future reference vids would benefit from the actor wearing lighter, single-color clothing, since the black pants and plaid shirt make it hard to clearly see the outline of individual limbs where they overlap. Might also help to be against a single-color backdrop (for example, closer to the white wall in the background, and shot from a lower angle to minimize the grass in the field of view). Overall, though, it's very interesting work!
Thank you for all your comments. I really used these pictures as a base to animate 2D sprites. I import the pictures in Inkscape and animate my sprite upon a new layer. I just have to turn the limbs and head according to the pictures.
I think a large number of visitors of this site can draw 2D sprites or model in 3D but it's really difficult to find free references for animation. That's why I did videos (at first for myself).
Photos have better resolution but it's difficult to get the good poses, I already tried.
I made other videos with my nephews and nieces who are much better actors than me (they jump higher!) but I cannot put them on the site as they are under 18.
See http://opengameart.org/content/hit-frames-after-a-video to see the result.
MoikMellah's comment about the clothes and the background is very interesting and I will remember it if I make future videos. The movement must be easier to understand.
I'm going to change the category as he suggests and also the license to please Guyome41