Thursday, March 15, 2018 - 11:19
Art Type:
UPDATED 2018-03-16: New sprite (see: CHANGES.txt)
Handymen sprites created for Stendhal as drop-in replacements. Based on work by Svetlana Kushnariova (Cabbit).
- Dimensions: 24x32 & 48x64 (scale2x filter)
- Orientation: orthogonal (N/E/S/W)
- Animation:
- idle (center frames)
- walking: 12 frames (3 per direction)
- PNG images use indexed color (smaller files).
- GIMP sources (.xcf) use RGB color.
- OpenGameArt.org Attribution (OGA BY) version 3.0 or later
- Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) version 3.0 or later
- 24x32 bases by Svetlana Kushnariova
- 24x32 characters, 16x16 tiles by Svetlana Kushnariova
- Battle Axe/Weapons Rework by GrumpyDiamond & Jordan Irwin
- Re-work with modified base.
- Create S/W/E/N versions.
IMPORTANT: As part of Cabbit's attribution requirements, please credit her as "Svetlana Kushnariova" & include her email address: lana-chan@yandex.ru
Up to this point, included works by GrumpyDiamond are licensed under CC0. This author does not require attribution, but GrumpyDiamond is included in the Copyright/Attribution Notice section for any that would like to give credit.
IMPORTANT: Attribution requirements may change with future revisions.
Original link: https://opengameart.org/node/82370
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Created by Svetlana Kushnariova (Cabbit) <lana-chan@yandex.ru>, GrumpyDiamond, & Jordan Irwin (AntumDeluge)

This is very cool!, great job! "I ain't getting on no plane fool!" Haha, :)
Lol! I had to look up that quote. I haven't watched the A-Team series since I was a little kid. Barely remember it. But once I saw a meme image of Mr. T saying he's not getting on a plane, I remembered in the movie that came out a few years ago, that Baracus didn't like flying.
Edit: I think that was his name, "Baracus". That's the character's name that Mr. T played according to Google.
Now every time I look at the ones with red hair, I see Louis C.K.
OMG that does kinda look like Mr. T -- can you do a Mohawk version? ;-)
Just so happens that Cabbit has some mohawks available. ;-)
"I pity da fool!"
Edit: Just missing chains & earrings. :)