Sunday, May 28, 2017 - 23:43
Art Type:
dugeon monster grub worm blender file normal map, diff, spec, greyscale,
low,med,high poly lod
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
none just ccby

Nice! Be sure to add commas between the tags, though. Otherwise they won't show up with the other art submitted for the challenge. See
Thanks MedStorm would have missed that one
ps. could you fix my project link agin I updated it awile ago hasnt linked up yet no joy. thanx
sorry MedStorm tryed to fix the comma issue it wont save not sure why no joy
Is it giving you an error message? Can you copy and paste the tags you are trying to submit into a comment here?
As a side note, I just realized the Carrion Crawler is IP of Wizards of the Coast. Unfortunately that means this can't be licensed under an open license like this:
I have to mark this as having a licensing issue for now. Any chance of reworking this as a 'giant worm-bug' or something?
Yep I'm on it thought it maybe a d&d issue now that I think about it don't quote me but wizards bought out TSR
lol yep thought so
thanks Medstorm I should know better
ps. I fixed the comma issue also no clue what that was about maybe a refresh issue?
Groovy. Thanks!
Hey MedStorm can you fix my
Project link will be visable after this account is approved.
this seams to happen every time I change my link? (After so many years I thought this wouldn't be an issue) this time its a video of what I'm working on
Sure! Done.
This isn't something that is ever going to be "fixed" because it isn't an error; Spammers like to wait for admins to approve their legit-looking account, then change their link to a spammy website full of trash. To prevent this from being effective, the site re-disables any new link until an admin can review it. Unfortunately, the site doesn't tell me when it does this. That is something I hope will be resolved soon. In the meantime, don't be afraid to shout me a reminder just like you did. :) Sorry I missed that first comment above about this.
Thanks MedStorm have a good mmday hope i wasnt to big of a pain in the a** I thought that was the issue but wasn't to shure and I do know how much spams on here seams a lot more then most kinda looks like my Microsoft email spam box at times