Goldman Morgan : moodies
collection of (preliminary) dialog option attempts - it would ofcourse be awfully nice to have a supercomputer and a horde of voice actors i can keep in my basement until needed but for the time being im thinking soulcalibur-style with text should do for starters
Not much use to others - when i get the collection down i very likely put them up but the actual NPC's come with special clause that their lore needs to be preserved when used (even in dystopian settings slightly adapted but still ... a bit like King and randall flagg maybe lol)
but the renders as concept are just that ofcourse
"Goldman Morgan" (all names punnifiable and absolutely deniable), the vaultkeeper of Tyr nan Noght (posessed human or maybe more demon with a human form ... lawful evil on the Gygax Scales ... the story will unfold as it unfolds)
(this is actually 6 stills combined into a gif with fading frames ( , not an animation as such - saves probably 1000% cpu-time i havent done the math and good enough for a quick preview)