Wednesday, February 3, 2021 - 14:46
Art Type:
Client work did awhile ago, I asked if he minded if I uploaded to OGA he said it was fine so here you go , don't like the hands there to flat for my taste animations are some of my first but rigged and easily Moded
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
CC-by link backs fine to OGA

Those are pretty good, what did your customer used them into?
Not sure what the game was called, or if it was finished? It was about 4 years back it was a hexed base browser game with woods mountains ect.. Sorry don't have anymore info on it. Maybe if my client see this he can bring more info to the topic. Don't want to step on any toes either...
A small advice, change the pic to show only the boar rider goblin, right now the small pic doesnt make justice to your work and many people migth overlook it.
? If you click on the picture its massive I was almost thinking of up loading a smaller one...oh your talking about the download image yes its small I'll just delete it
No, i meant the one thumbnail people see at your submission, if you cut a single of those pics and make it the main one, the goblin will be easy to see. Rigth now people just see an almost black strip. Thats not good if you want more visibility.
Got you Danimal your right been fixed