Glitch Avatar Assets (SVG)
Saturday, November 23, 2013 - 14:21
Art Type:
This includes facial features and wardrobe items, in SVG format. Note that some facial features did not convert properly and may be missing. I will update these later if possible.
Attribution Instructions:
There is no obligation to link or credit the works, but if you do, please link to, our permanent "retirement" site for the game and these assets. Of course, links/shoutouts to Tiny Speck ( and/or Slack ( are appreciated.

Bart is there a way for you to make sure there is no file loss?
I really want to use these wardrobe and vanity for custom avatars but at the moment we cant use these in this fashion.
Thank you for uploading these.I have been looking everywhere for them,I just would love to see them in original states instead of most of them missing.
Is it also possible for you to grab the GUI and the UI?