game voice

game voice over stabs –
that could be used in a variety of gaming styles – racing, rpg, fighting etc.
bonus points
bonus round
extra power
game comencing
game over
get ready
more ammo
new car available
new gun
new track available
new weapon
player 1
player 2
the clock is ticking
the race is starting in 3 2 1 go
turbo round
upgrade available
you break it, you pay for it
well that was dissapointing
all we need now is a fat lady singing
go hard or go home
he’ll feel that tomorrow
i didnt see that happening
and this is why we dont have nice things
no pain no gain
nothing can stop her now
nothing can stop him now
she’ll feel that in the morning
he’ll feel that in the morning
that’s gotta hurt
this could be the end
use it or lose it
double punch
finish it
high kick
knock out
low kick
side punch
spinning back kick
take down
triple punch
here are some preview audio stabs of whats in the zip file
if anyone needs a voice over done for their project, msg me and lets see what we can work out. im also a script writer so happy to help out with game plots and character development ideas.
check out my other voice overs -
orc commander
demon lord
ai interface
tower defense