Future Fighterjet v2
Note: I only played a small role in this wonderful model.
It began life as Julius' Future Fighterjet. When I asked Origin to unwrap the model so I could texture it, he went above and beyond the call of duty, rebuilding the model from scratch in order to bake a proper normalmap, then polishing it all off with a nice texture.
I came in at the end and just added some color to the texture, as well as a few finishing touches.
I'm happy to be able to put this back up on opengameart.org, to bring its life-cycle back to where we first found it.
Model and skin created for use with UFO: Alien Invasion.
Includes the model in OBJ format, with diffuse and normalmap files. It also includes a PSD file with several layers to make customizing it easier. The PSD file does not use any PS-proprietary layer features, so it can be opened in Gimp without any change in appearance.
Thanks to Julius for getting this started, and Origin for doing much of the gruntwork to get this thing polished off.

awesome! And thanks for telling the story of the model as well! :)
Awesome! Me approves.
Very nice! There was a small bug, when I imported into Blender for exporting to Ogre, I eventually saw a gap-- the bottom tailfin was open with 2 separate edges facing back. After trying once or twice to fix it (made faces cover the gap but of course those weren't UV mapped correctly and I didn't learn how to fix *that* til a few hours later), I simply merged the 4 vertices into 2 and it worked perfectly, and then saw that it matched the 2 top tailfins. Because it was so easy, I started modding it some more to learn... might upload that after I get "done" as I probably won't use it in the game, but I'm having great fun. Thanks!
This is really cool! Thought it looked a bit like a racing ship, i imported it into BallisticNG (similar to Wipeout) as a steam workshop item, if interested: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1593649075