Friday Challenge Apr 16, 2010: Minimalist
Our first Friday Challenge was a great success! Let's keep the creativity flowing with our next challenge:
It's time to show you can do more with less. Simplicity and elegance. Or, show you can get it done with fewer pixels, fewer colors, fewer instruments, etc.
Don't forget to tag your entries "Friday Challenge" and "Minimalist"! Entries are due by the end of the day Friday, April 16th.
Good luck, and thanks for participating!
Jump down to see the winner!
To be honest, I think they are not exactly of minimalism style. They would be without roundings and outlines perhaps..
Hopefully I'll think of something else to submit to this challenge. :)
Starting off with a simple entry:
This is my entry. Some quick blocks for prototyping a platformer.
This was fun to make. 1bit-color RPG tileset.
Not really enough minimalist, and I'm not really happy with how they came out either - but
This could have been for last Friday Challenge, but meh. It's one of the few 2D things I've ever done, so bear with me even though it sucks. ;)
Edit: just got a confirmation that it does indeed suck. Edited line to reflect user feedback. ;P
A quick sketch, done in almost no time (and almost completely exhausted :P) ... the quality is low, but at least it seems to fit the topic:
In case you missed it, here's an animated Dice entry from sunburn
Just in time: Box warrior set.
My Submission :
Friday's coming to an end around the world, so it's time to vote for your favorite Minimalist entries!
To vote simply "Add to Favorites" the entries you really like. Vote for as many as you like!
Darn, I thought I might have been able to sneak my entry in before you woke up and declared the contest closed. Oh well, I'd probably have been disqualified anyway. ;)
wow those are good!
super clear, its hard to get ideas like these clearly at low res.
@metaldev: thanks, I think these threads should serve discussion of the contest though (although there are no rules about that, it seems appropriate to keep it in the submission comments, I'll reply there :) )
His Box Warriors were the clear favorite (it even cracked the "Most Favorites" list on the OGA home page!)
Thanks to everyone for participating!
Awesome! Thanks for voting :)
I don't know if this is the apporpriate place to suggest for the next FC theme, but I was thinking anything that could be found in space e.g. space ships, asteroids, planets etc. I think there's some demand for these type of assets.
That was me, forgetting to log in :P
I think it's a good policy if we allow winners to call the next challenge. So let's do it! Posting the new challenge shortly...
that is a pretty clear winner IMO :)
amazing work, Osmic
Is there actually any way to look up how many favorites a work has?
> Is there actually any way to look up how many favorites a work has?
The only way I have found, is to click on the "more" button at the bottom of the "most favorites" pannel on the home page. You can then sift through all the entries until you find the one your after.