Free Tiling seamless voronoi texture
this is a seamless voronoi texture, perfect for adding bubbly or spiky detail to a texture.
I was terribly annoyed at not being able to find anything decent in the way of a tiling voronoi texture, so i did what i could with blender and came up with this.
i took some cones from blender, arranged them into a square of a specific size, seperated them into individual objects, deleted all of the cones that would have overlapped during tiling, then i did a random transform on the objects (only on the x and y, 0.3 on each of them), then joined them as one whole object, then tiled them 3 times on each axis, and moved them under a plane (a plane large enough to cover the cones evenly, then i used the plane to bake a normalized displacement from the surface. and there you have it, a tiling voronoi texture.

Excellent work!