Fish-Man, Squid-Thing and four young adventurers retreating from a goblin (from Grim Portents 1)
Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 22:42
Art Type:
These artworks illustated a few articles from the first issue of the gratis and libre magazine Grim Portents.
The artworks are by Michael Wight. They are three zipped PNGs.
- A humanoid fish, ragged and twisted, grips an elf head in one claw.
- A three-eyed, many-tentacled squid-thing floats over some stairs and carries a crystal wand
- A blacksmith, a lute player, a scribe and a wizard's apprentice run from a weedy goblin
There are also five zipped JPGs: sketches of the three artworks above, plus:
- A viking, frozen in the ice
- A bone-club-wielding lizardman
Attribution Instructions:
Attribute to Michael Wight, of Gremlin Legions Designs and Games. (