Fight music theme01
Friday, January 13, 2017 - 23:41
Art Type:

This is another small looped track, mostly for fight or some menu. Genre hard rock/alternative/industrial (Quake II like). I hope you like it. Archive include lossless wave and mp3 320kbs.

Another wonderful track!
I am using this in my Space 4X strategy game as one of the combat music. Excellent track!
Amazing music!
hello can I use this for a song im making?? this is creative commons right?
Hi. You are free to use it for whatever you want. This work is licensed under OGA-BY 3.0. "This license requires you to attribute the author of the content in the way that they specify. Provided the author is properly credited, it is generally safe to use this content in a commercial work." - FAQ says. In fact, I do not insist on being included in the list of authors or titles. So, enjoy.
This is great!