Enchanted Tiki 86
- !Project::Archeron
- !Project::KISS Armored Battle
- !Project::KISS Topdown Shooter
- audio::music::space
- BlackCortex
- Bunji Cottontale
- CC0 Music
- CC0::music::sf
- Chill platformer music
- Dragon Booster Remake
- Jim collections
- Menu
- MonGirl TroidVania Music & Sounds
- Music
- music for Fish fillets remake
- Music I May Use
- music-normal
- My Game Music
- Project: SR Music
- Public Domain Music
- RoBrodaj
- RPG::Music
- SciFi Worldbuilding
- Sound FX
- Space Game
- Star Ruler 2 replacement music
- stuff for FBT Float

Dark moody and hypnotic theme from my game Pixelsphere.
This is for my game Pixelsphere http://pixelsphere.org I'm sharing some of my assets (art, sound effects and music) with the community to thank you for all the great content you have contributed. Let me know which works you find useful and I will share more similar content.
My game and soundtrack are 100% free -- there's over 50 great songs on the soundtrack, plus I have more fun trance/ambient music on http://cynicmusic.com for free --- you can stream it on my website anytime with the built in player.
I also made 40 Sonic The Hedgehog remixes in trance/ambient style you can stream them or download all of them free: http://sonic.tcpmusic.com/
Please contact me if you use my music, I'd love to see your project and give you a shoutout on my website! Much of the music on http://pixelsphere.org you may use for free in your game if you contact me for permission and join my mailing list: http://cynicmusic.com/email.html

Thank you very much for making this style of tune as I am making a
SCI FI Storyline-driven Dialog Space Theme game.
it suits the BGM for my Hyyoshi system for jumping through the Gravity
Platforms on to get into the great city which will be suspened on giant
floating platform, this tune has got the right feel for this part of the game
with the zero gravity boots scene. (I haven't made the graphics yet for
this scene, still trying to get in all the resources.)
This is hilarious!!!
If you referring to the game I'm making, well Each world has their own set of laws and some of them are pretty ridiculous and for the Hyoshi Floating SpaceCity You can't park (dock) your ship into the city because Corporate bull (a corrupt droid) that's in the city placed a Anti-Warp Reactor field there, so if you try to fly your ship into the city, Kaboom goes the ship whem the field destroys it. So you're forced to have to park your ship just outside the Anti-Warp shield and get on the gravity boots to jump down into the city. But first you have to find the gravity boots or get some made for you.
Now Corporate Bull was placed there by a faction known as BAD SECTOR, Bad Sector is a federation of Corrupt Rogue Droids throughout the galaxy that are part of the Technlogy Has Gone All Wrong Group..
Bad sector is full of Droids wanting freedom and independence from Organics so they have their own protest groups, they're all about Machine Rights, they're already infested several of the systems with their dictatorships, they try to tell organics what to do. They even have their own labor rights demmands cards. Corporate Bulls are a nuisance when you come across them becaue they are a class of droid in the Technology of top A.I Stupidity and are found scattered in some of the systems so if you come across a Coporate Time Wasting Bull, who talks himself up all the time then woe be unto that poor soul to have to listen to all his endless garbage.
I created an Android game called Falling Blocks and used this audio for my music
The link to the google play store, and credit is provided at this link below
ME encanta, es buena para menus
Really nice music track. I have used this in my iOS/Android game :)
Friends said the music matches the game very well. Thank you for your work :D
very nice background! if my game will be done and use this cool music as bgm i'll be sure to include you in the credits!
Thx, we use this in our game "Alien Crypto Miner" :) We going to release soon
This song is now the full album Space Cats Tactics in iTunes, Spotify etc... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zMUWPd2kvc
Youtube link goes to full album. It sounds a lot better on the full version. Licensing may be available, I did this on commission for a game by that same name Space Cats Tactics.
Actually please click the link, it sounds really good although the dynamic range is maybe a little less than this version. I like them both. Also it's 3x as long now on the album and a whole new "B section" to extend the length. ~Alex
I like this kind of music!
Perhaps I would use it as a happy end bgm!
I love it! it's perfect for the android game I'm making. I'll attribute you when I release it. Thank you
Hi cynicmusic,
Very nice song. Fits perfectly an exploration mood. Thank you so much for sharing it.
I use it in this little solar system artistic visualization:
When the song start, a panel appear to display your credits.
Thanks again.
I hope you'll gain attention with your quality work.
A really gorgeous piece of music, thank you so much for sharing.
I'm using it in my new Space Trash mobile game.
Thanks for sharing this track. I used it in my video: Learning to Make THAT Video Game #1 https://youtu.be/NU5Rc1drSlI
I started a series about learning everything about game development from the perspective of a new developer.
Hi, I subscribed, I just want to use this on my youtube video background, I love it. So relaxing.
Hey there. I just wanted to drop a note of thanks on here, since I used your great track as a background music for a yt-video.
Really inspiring work :) All the best to you!
A fine contribution to the arts
This is great, thanks for sharing this with everyone! I have included this and 5 other music pieces in my game project Lands of Languages, and added info and link on the credits page.
Thank you for this beautiful music. I used it for my picture of the Milky Way on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GDLq2QBcrY
Many thanks again and best regards.
beautiful, delicate, atmospheric and hypnotic. I love it.