Wednesday, June 20, 2018 - 10:38
Art Type:
I made a character who is the enemy of Theo The Teddy(
I feel like they would both fit in a game very well together :)

I think it's safe to say that the likeness to Dr. Robotnik constitutes a violation of IP rights. Should probably remove this (or edit it so it doesn't so closely resemble the character).
As a note, changing color scheme and name isn't enough to differentiate a character. This screams a Cease and Desist from Sega.
Well, JoshAS, this isn't fan art of "Eggman Robotnik" since his name is "Eggplantman", but I think leeor_net has a point. This could probably be argued to only be inspired by Dr. Robotnik, but it's also pushing the limit. As WithTheLove once said, just being in the realm of 'reminds me of' is fine, it's when you get to 'easily mistaken for' that the trouble starts.
Although Theo the Teddy is probably inspired by Sonic, a reasonable person would not mistake him for Sonic.
This asset is over in 'easily mistaken for' territory, I'm afraid.Any chance you'd be willing to make Mr Eggplantman a bit more of a unique character that is easily distinguishable from certain Saga trademarks? I think this is fixable,but until then I have to mark this as having a licensing issue.Thanks for understanding and let me know if you have any questions about this.what do I need to change? I don't think it looks like robotnik at all
Considering the intent behind the asset's creation, I feel a bit dubious about that statement.
It's true the line between 'infringing' and 'inspired by' is a weird one. It is often difficult to know what is allowed and what is not. In this case, it's best to be safe. As for what to change... pick any feature or proportion. Be creative. Figure it out. Currently, the only thing significantly different from the trademarked character is the color scheme.
How about this?
Looks great! Just click that EDIT tab at the top and let me know when the new version is uploaded. :)
It doesn't look like this submission is going to get updated. Pending any changes, I'll be removing this submission soon.EDIT: Unflagged. Thanks, JoshAS! :)
That's a shame really, because his edit looks kinda cute. I really hope he updates it soon.
Although, if I may critique the project, a name like "Eggplant Man" to me denotes more of a purple and green colorscheme over a red/green one. Just a thought if the OP would like to make him even more unique.
thanks cougarmint :)
It's updated now and I used your suggestion
No problem! Glad to help a fellow artist improve and change their work to make it even better.
Edit: Just saw the new preview. It looks great! And yeah, the purple and green work far better than red and green (the colors clashed in my eyes). Now you have a character that is completely original. <3