Dude (81x44)
Tuesday, January 5, 2016 - 20:02
Art Type:
Wonderful character created by OpenGameArt contributor Cliipso. This 81x44 .PNG with transparent is derived from Cliipso's masterful Character with basic animation spritesheet.

Hi, saw this and thought. If anyone is more intersted in this character just send me your e-mail. And I can send a zip package of the svg file and seperate body part .pngs. So if you want to make your own animations.
That is generous! Your work is wonderful! Lot of personality and very distinct.
I am writing a free book on using Phaser.js and split this image out because it simplified the lesson.
Está muy chulo
I am very interested in this character please send to jonotano24@gmail.com thanks
Y está mi vato! Jonotano24, this is the work of Cliipso. Check it out!