driftwood branch
just some i use on both the map and inventory for the game Tyrnannoght
https://tyrnannoght.alleycat.be (in serious zeta-dev-mode)
inv-sheet (64px) : https://opengameart.org/content/inventorysheet-for-tyrnannoght-washed-up...
maptiles (64px) : https://opengameart.org/content/tilemap-washed-up-beach-tyrnannoght
all w.i.p. i add new tiles and slots as i get them done when needed and sometimes put the models or props
.blend files attached, one has a bit of leftover greenleaf on it, the other is completely bare (its for use on "the washed-up beach" zone which is basically a barren waste where it's about survival and learning the ropes (and dying a lot, i hope so many new playercharacters will be needed until someone gets it down heh .. how selfish ..)