DREADNOUGHT - petrolgirl

here's a song i threw together for the sunvox 2021.02 compo. i actually started it in september of 2020, but i forgot about it for a while until recently when the compo started
the only two samples are the "whoareyou2.wav" vocal from solarlune's sample pack and a recording of myself saying "i'm petrolgirl"; i really had to crush these down to make the whole song fit zipped in 64kb. all of the other sounds were made by me
don't have much more to say; enjoy this, and don't forget to vote in the compo!
tempo: 185
scale: g minor
time signature: 4/4
created using: sunvox
date created: 2021/1/10
the cover is based on "civic i-vtec engine" by kristoffer m.c., which is licensed with cc by 2.0. view the license at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/