Doom Komato Berserker 03 Normal male A OpenGL
The intention behind this new batch is to offer maximum flexibility and the possibility to create several different monsters by choosing different walking styles, attacks and so on.
Despite being forced to limit the number of cels for practical reasons, in a class, every bodytype will have all the cels required in the class. so big komato will have acrobatic kicks, small komato might do a powerwalk, and so on.
So this set should allow to create dozens of different monsters for a single Doom mod, by choosing actions and changing palettes.
Who's familiar with DOOM modding won't need much explanations about how to open and rename those spritesheets/sequences, i tried my best to organize the files in the most universal way.
The file named basic contains some walking, leaping attacking, standby, shooting, getting hit and falling on the floor animations, in short is sufficient to create several different monsters for every bodytype.
The files named Extra* contain additional actions, (in this case just one inspired by Street Fighter II 's M.Bison) to allow further personalization of the monsters.
The second preview image kinda displays how the bodytype is perceived within their own society. My entries in the next weeks might look similar to each other, but they aren't, as mentioned above, they simply share the cels and actions of everyone.
As seen in this picture:
By altering the palettes is possible to create several different monsters with the same bodytype and class.
The PNG files contain 8 columns of the same width with a comprehensive sequence, ready to be cut into several new dooM monsters.
The GIF files contain 1 cel for each frame, in 8 columns, to make it easier with programs such as ASEPRITE to retrieve and line up the needed cels to create monsters.
Also i attached the original renders, in 2X resolution, in a ZIP file my sprites are obtained with just despeckle effects, other artist might have different (and better) ideas.
Here some simple options:
Also... it is obvious that the third and seventh column of the appropriate cels from the ZIP can be used for platformer games, and feel free to use them so if you like, but let me remind you that i made specific sprites of such characters for platformers.