Dog Fighter Addon2[ Assault Rifle Kit ]
This is based on the work of dogchicken originally posted here:
Using the art from IsometricRobot posted here to recreate the assualt rifle kit addon:
I do plan on creating a Dog Fight Addon1 [ Energy Force Master Kit ], using the art from IsometricRobot to complete the SET that was originally created by dogchicken.
Edit: The Dog Fighter Addon1 [ Energy Force Master Kit ] is completed and can be found here:
The following is the copyright notice from IsometricRobot:
"Dog Figher by Michael J Pierce @" or Display the IsometricRobot mascot in one of his forms (anywhere is the associated work) with a link back to And including the following: "Based on the work of dogchicken - "Cat Fighter"" with link to Unless Otherwise specified by dogchicken at this link.

Thanks for sharing it with us.
No problem it's the least I can do. I do take more then I give but I try my best to give back anyway I can!
Nice. I've been meaning to do something with the dog and cat fighters for over a year now...good to see my procrastination rewarded with more content.