DJ Assets SMS
This is my submission for the 'Art Challenge' "My Summer Time Thing".
I love music, although i'm not any good at creating it, but very much appreciate it, its quite an integral to my daily life. Always listening to tunes whilst i work. As i child of the 80's i was very fortunate to grow up witnessing the generational progression of game consoles and the music. The 90's were no doubt my best times and one that i think of the most, and music is a great way to reminise. I like to think of myself as an eclectic with music as i like all types, but my absolute favourite in the rave scene. I grew up in my teenage years massively into the UK rave scene. Jungle, Drum and bass, happy hardcore, the occasional Techno were typically me everyday listen, and even went to a few raves myself. Good Times!, I also did a bit of bedroom DJing, sadly I lost all my old vinyl in a house move, but recently have got myself some DJ controllers and am slowly getting back into it all again. Now upgraded to a Lounge DJ (my lounge) :)
So this Game Asset is inspired by the music.
Theres like a 'Dance Mat' type of gameplay or Dj Hero if you like with animated backgrounds, and siloutte dancers (they only bop there head) a Dj booth, Spinning vinyl and popping speakers.
If thats not your thing then ive also included some stuff to create a 'Virtual DJ' for a GUI for mixing your own tunes, and also there are things for music creation, so its a pretty varied pack.
It may be a little rough in places, and i would of loved to of continued this, but sadly i'm out of time, so this will have to do for now, but would love to come back to this and add better animations for dancing and characters. :)
It's in the SMS palette, and the majority is based on 8x8 pixels, but as ive mentioned, it may be a little unorganised, but useable as sprites or tile sets i'm sure.
Hope you guys and gals enjoy. Now pick up your horns, whistles, white gloves and high vis jacket and lets dance to the early hours!
Thanks. :) DJ Den Chaser

Nice work! Very 90's.
That's an interesting octave which goes directly from A# to C though...
Oh yeah, oops, told you I was rubbish. Il sort it out tomorrow. Thanks.;)
Nice! Love the fonts used here.
@looneybits @Wolfgang Thanks.
There was a missing file (GUI tile set) which is now in there, and ignore the mock up preview of the wrong ketboard lettering. The keys in the set are blank.
thanks for checking it out. :)
Nice work. I imagine him mixing this kind of music. :)
Coincidentally, I'm doing a hard rave track right now! c:
nice! look forward to hearing it! OI OI raver!
Love it! The best part is trying to imagine how all those hot DJ jams would sound on the SMS's sound chip! :)
@withthelove Yeah, i was intrigued as well so i looked into an SMS tracker, but then i forget im rubbish at music, haha. Think il leave the music to someone more capable like Spring, who im sure could create something no problem, infact, they said they are working on a 'rave' track, not sure it SMS though. :)
i might still have a play around with it if i get a chance.
I was even working on SMS tunes a bit today :D noting SMS rave as a possible thing to do for the future!
also @chasersgaming
everyone is rubbish in the beginning for their first many many productions. It takes a lot of time. I'm also still rubbish.
nah, you got it nailed spring!, i just get really frustrated trying, because i cant put down what im thinking and end up going well of into something else, i dont understand music enough, ive treid to learn but its just one of those things that i cant do, sure i can lace a beat or two, but everything else gets annoying. :) i will keep trying, but theres never enough time. :)
I'm really not as great as you think, I'm sure you could surpass me if you gave it enough time.
I've kinda been losing confidence in my music since I joined botb, the standards there are way too high and I just can't compete with anything. It feels terrible x'D
time is something i dont have much of with everything else i do, certainly not enough to learn music fully, but maybe enough to get me by. I like to think of myself as a bit of a 'jack of all trades, master of none". :)
You music is great spring, but i undserstand what your saying about confidence, I myself see some incredible art on here and i start to question and doubt myself, BUT, i have come a very long way since i started pixel art, i look back at my old stuff, the stuff i first started posted on here at OGA makes me cringed, but i keep it there to remind myself of how far i have come which serves as a great 'Pick me up' and reminder of my progression so far, and im improving all the time.
Like you say with music, it takes a long time and to reach a certain standard, and some standards are well up there and if you start comparing to those really high 'elite' then it can be very easy to bring you crashing down, but you have remenber, theres a standard and a standard expectation of ourselves. Where we think we should be, to where we actually are. We want to be up there with the elite, and its not because we arn't any good, we just havent reached that experience yet, but it will come in time.
Your music is extremely good, and it gets many favourites and positive comments which should tell you a lot, so you shouldn't feel terrible at all. Don't put to much pressure on your self, just do it for you. "i just can't compete" Don't compete, just be you! and do YOUR thing. :)
I guess you are right, maybe I should just stay out of competitions, at least OGA isn't a competition apart from the jams/challenges :) (that I can't win either x'P)
also, completely unrelated but just out of curiosity, I was wondering what "D/Pulse" stands for?
wow I downloaded it and there are soo many buttons!!!! this deserves a preview which shows everything, because it's much bigger than it seems !
nah, competitions are good, and healthy, always a good for experiance, just don't put pressure on ones self to finish in a place, or win, take the positives from them and work on the negatives, eventually that will help the 'level up' and experiance to reach the elite! :) taking part is always a win win situation. :)
D'Pulse means 'Doubl;e pulse', i think it does anyway, i cant remeber. :)
maybe il add a couple of more preview shots. :)
double pulse, ooh that's an interesting waveform, not common on most sound chips :O
new previews look great! gotta showcase the good stuff!
"not common in most sound chips" ya see, i didn't know that, i just see what beepbox had and 'assumed' it was all available considering its sound bank.(or whatever you call it) :)
your experience and wisdom is already educating me! +100XP :)
ahh interesting program tbh, with how it has scales and such!