Dialog Box
Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - 08:42
Art Type:
Simple dialog box. Dialog set at 80% opacity, frames at 100.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
No copyright, no need to credit. If you like, just leave a comment.

Are you sure you have rights to publish Nintendo owned characters into public domain?
No Nintendo characters have been published at all. The preview file you mention is not the downloadable file.
It is downloadable. I just downloaded it. Now I can finally make my dream Mario game without fear of legal action from Nintendo.
Sarcasm aside, Grahhhhh - the consensus of the OGA overlords appears to be that all content within the previews is also released under the chosen license.
I believe this should be made more clear, as it has come up many times (at least in recent months). The only relevant point I have found is in the FAQ: "To upload content created by someone other than yourself, you must first make absolutely certain that the content has been released under one of the allowed licenses", and you must upload the preview images. Indeed the Art Submission Guidelines do not mention the preview, beyond saying that it "must be descriptive of the content you actually uploaded" - which could very easily be interpreted as meaning that the preview doesn't count as "actual uploaded content".
Perhaps there could be a required checkbox on the submission page which states "I agree to release all uploaded files (INCLUDING THE PREVIEW) and their content under the license(s) I have selected, and that I have the legal right to do so."
Thank you Dezras for a consise, educated and non-sarcastic response. I'll remove the preview file as it was not my intent to infringe, only demonstrate.
You seem to have a fair understanding of this, thank you for your input. In this instance, if instead of having written "sample text" on the image and instead wrote a parodying comment about the Mario franchise, then the image itself would be considered fair use. Do you know how open game art feels about fair use images being used in this way?
I am not a lawyer nor a moderator (IANALNAM), but OGA tries to curate its content beyond the level which is required by the law to ensure that (1) creators' wishes (which may be in contrast to their license choice) are respected, and (2) site visitors can feel as safe as possible when using content from here.
Without knowing the precise legal details, I am sure that OGA would not approve of fair use uploads.
Best to err on the side of caution I suppose, thanks again for your response, I appreciate it.
Unfortunately publishing footage from commercial game counts as copyright infingement. I.e. all these letsplays on youtube are illegal.
Fair use a poorly defined. In particualr I doubt fair use includes use of trademarked characters to promote some other stuff.
@Grahhhhh: You could always use one of the cc0 backgrounds from OGA. Surt has created some beautiful scenes that would showcase this pretty wonderfully: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/cc0-scraps
@Surt: Sorry if you don't want me to pimp your work, I just really like your stuff.