CyberShield Sprites
Sunday, December 25, 2016 - 20:22
Art Type:
2D pixel art sprites originally made for my game jam game, CyberShield. I've had these sitting around for a while intending to release them and I finally got around to releasing them. Consider it a slightly late Christmas present.
Sized and formatted for (G)ZDoom, but will work in basically anything that can use sprites. The download is broken up into individual files but the preview can be used as a (bad) spritesheet. These are NPoT- if you need PoT you'll have to pad or resize them yourself. Some may have been prescaled. If memory serves these are almost, but not quite, in the DB32 palette.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with CyberShield Sprites has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rightsto CyberShield Sprites.

Beautiful sprites. They are simple but very well designed.