Cute raccoon 2d game sprite and animations
If you enjoy this work, please consider buying me a ko-fi:
This little guy is ready to knock over trashcans in your game or animation!
Here's what you get:
Character art - png and svg formats (should open in Inkscape or Illustrator)
Animations - 8 png sequences with 800x800px images. Idle, walk, run, jump, crouch, knockout, victory dance, and slide animations. All animations other than knockout are loops.
Example animated gifs - see what the animations look like before using them. These gifs are on a blue background for better visibility, unlike the transparent png sequences.
Permissive license - The assets are licensed Creative Commons Attribution (cc-by). This means you can use or modify them, including for commercial purposes. All I ask is that you give me credit (just using my name or linking back to this page is sufficient).
Feel free to contact me with questions or to commission custom sprites. Enjoy!
I had a few questions about delivering quality assets for programmers:
- Should actions like jump and crouch be split into separate parts, like one action for stand->crouch and another for crouch->stand, or jump separated to "jump" and "fall"?
- I structured these to all fit in the same "frame" (the transparent box around the pngs) with the character in the same position across animations, thinking that this would reduce programmer need for calculating offsets for different animations. The trade-off is that the character is not centered in the frame and the frame is larger than needed for any given action - is this the correct approach?
- I provided around 12 pngs @ 800x800 px for each action. I can easily provide more or less frames (I animate in blender) or a different resolution. Does this setup seem legit?
Please let me know if you use these and have any issues with them so I can improve. Also, if these end up used for anything, I'd like to hear about it so I can see them in action.

Looks good!
Thank you for the thoughtful comments! You've answered my questions clearly and carefully and I really appreciate it.
Also, just to be clear, the svg format is only for the static character art and not for any of the animations frames. It's a limitation of my creative process - I create the characters in Inkscape and rig/animate the various actions in Blender, which means the animation frames come out as flat, transparent pngs.
So, end users will really be limited to scaling down from 800px, and body parts are not separated in the animations themselves. Hopefully these are not troublesome constraints.
This also leaves me feeling unsure how useful the inclusion of the "character art" only svg is, but maybe it could be of use in a game banner, or character select screen or something. I guess it is a small file, at any rate...
Would it be more reasonable/intuitive to use a "power of two" size for the pngs, like 1024? instead of the (admittedly arbitrary) 800px?
Thank you again! I want to deliver assets that don't add burden to the process and I appreciate your attention :)
I like powers of 2 just like some people like the color red, but the objective benifit to 2^x dimensions is about as arbitrary as 800px, so eh, your call. :)
You had a .png of the individual parts. Would you be able to provide that in .svg format? I think that would be useful to the most number of devs since they can rig and resize to their own specifications that way.
>You had a .png of the individual parts. Would you be able to provide that in .svg format? I think that would be useful to the most number of devs since they can rig and resize to their own specifications that way.
Great idea! I added an "exploded view" svg to the "character art" folder for easier editing. Thanks again for your input :)
Very nice!
Hey, I used your character on a game.
Thank you for telling me - that looks great! I hope that the asset was easy to use and that your game gets a lot of love ;)
Hi, I used your character in my first game "Miko's Adventures" . it's so awesome and so many people loved Miko and the game :)
I might create a sequel in the future with a lot more content, just want to say thank you for making Miko, he is making my dream of making games come true :)
You are awesome and I'd love to see more (characters - art) from you .
Miko's Adventures :
Trailer :
If there is any place i can follow you, I'd love to really see more from you :)
Hope you enjoy the game .
Have a great day and keep making art :)
Hey Coriander!
Thank you so much for taking the time to write me like this. I'm happy to see this raccoon get some use, and the game looks really nice (I'll try it if you can make a linux build sometime).
Besides here, you can follow me on twitter:
tumblr :
They're not really any different.
I make art every day - but I don't always post online.
I hope you will keep making games. I may not always have time for it, but feel free to hit me up if you are doing a jam or something and need an artist.
Awesome, I'll follow you as soon as I create a Twitter account very soon (I lost my old account :( ) .
I'll definitely keep making games in the future, I love Miko, honestly everyone loves him, he is so cute and awesome and of course I'll share it with you over here if there is a new game out related to Miko :)
For sure I'll let you know if i need anything in the future . And very soon a Linux and maybe a Mac OS versions will be out (Days or even hours from now and it'll be out there on and gamejolt) .
Here is a gameplay from Meliecho (she is a youtuber) :
I loved her reacions about the game, thought you might like to see Miko in action :)
Have a great day and thanks again for making my dream come true :)
Hello. I love this little raccoon. I used it on a free mini-game for young children : Thank you !
Thank you for allowing us to use this image for our game. A high school student at Newton College and Career Academy edited your cute racoon to become Detective Seymore Green in this game:
The game will be linked on a local organization's website; Keep Newton Beatiful.