Sunday, July 6, 2014 - 17:38
Art Type:
I made this for when you move your cursor, left, right or idle.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Credit my name somewhere, otherwise use as you wish.

Thank you!
Nice kemomo! I find this to be fitting my main menu.
That's great.
Glad they were of use. Stay tuned. I just launched the update blog for my current project.
When this game comes out or becomes an open beta, I'll be giving away a .zip with a 23 song soundtrack with .midi, .mp3 and .ogg looping tracks here on OpenGameArt to draw some attention. I'm not sure if you'll have any use for the songs but I might also be releasing some tiles.
That's great.
Well if you need any help with anything coding or structure-wise I can help. It's the least I can do.
what happened to Godwind project? Dead? Did it even reach Closed Beta?
It's not dead, it's just shelved for now- I had some difficulty with the engine side of things and me and Hydroque didn't quite get along since he wanted to make a single player RPG and I wanted to make an online RPG. So somehow we got into a heated discussion on Skype and put bluntly he was very rude to me which resulted in my blocking him.
I kept putting it off because I kept hearing from various people about how their 2D ORPG engines were coming along and then they never released them or abandoned them.
Even now I'm talking to (literally at this moment) a guy who says he'll have an alpha ready for the weekend.
Godwind is the game I've always wanted to make. Every developer has a game with accompanying ideas and it's their dream game. For me Godwind is that. It will take as long as it takes, but I'll get it done.
In the meantime I've been working on and off in my spare time on a game called Vanavale which is an Online RPG featuring thirst, hunger and an expansive world. DawnHack's 16 bit colours and the base 16x16 tileset that I found on this website. I have added many new tiles to this set, along with new creatures and have created a paperdoll of equippable items.
These are a few gifs I've taken whilst messing with things. They mostly show the animated layering system I have in my in-game editor. They also show off a few different pieces of gear that are in the game.
Thanks for worrying about Godwind- don't worry, one day you'll get to play it. Until then I hope you look forward to Vanavale.
PS. I've decided to upload a bunch of stuff I found lying around from a few years ago.
Aw, shucks, I feel bad about Godwind project. Creative difference among the developers surely is painful, especially when both developers are passionate about it. Anyways, looking forward to Vanavale! Don't give up mate!
PS: what's the website for Vanavale?
The developers didn't have a creative difference- I was and still am the sole developer of the project.
As you can see above- he typed here and we spoke on Skype and I blocked him before he got involved with the project.
There was a website for Vanavale a while back, but when life got hectic I let it drop for a while. I've decided not to actually have a website at first and just advertise a little on the forums that I frequent. Though I do have the files for a custom website sitting around somewhere.
I appreciate your comments and I'm certainly not giving up on either ORPG. The programmer I'm speaking to right now has assured me his engine is more than capable of meeting the requirements I need to develop Godwind.
Yeezus that was two years ago o.o
My current projects lie in a FPS and I was making a private pokemon remake for myself. The game that I had in mind hasn't been worked on ever since because I've had a lot of learning an brainstorming on other ideas that I want to do.
As per your bias towards me, it doesn't matter of now.