crow bar
Monday, July 5, 2010 - 13:23
Art Type:
this is a crow bar I made! you may use it in any way you please ok...
Textures made in: Gimp 2.0
model made in: Blender 3D 2.49
file type: ZIP

I know it's dark it rendered that way for some reason.
I created a preview with a lighter bg so you can see anything, I re-packaged the blend file without the blend1 backup and .jpg preview (please take care next time and don't include superfluous files in your uploads)
sorry I used to go to this one website where you had to do that I will only include the blend file next time sorry for inconvenience...
really? Interesting, what website was that? :)
By the way, you can check "File/Compress File" in the blender interface and then you don't even need to zip the file.
This is not a crowbar. Look one at Freeman's hand )))