Commission - Medieval Materials Redux
Friday, October 11, 2013 - 13:32
Art Type:
- Leather
- Steel
- Iron
- Scale
- Chainmail
A commission requested by C. Bellanger for the Flare project.
Sharing the whole set was part of the commission.
I'm sure this set will please to many people so thank him.

I'm so excited about this. They each came out perfectly. They are precisely accurate to the reference images I sent Yughues. He's a wizard and you should hire him too.
These will be the main materials I use for some upcoming armor assets. My plan is to make armor meshes and UV unwrap them, then use these textures as a starting point for painting/mixing final materials.
A side note, I used the scale material's normal map on the Wyvern model, which previously didn't have a normal map. The difference is incredible!
thank you,
this is awesome!
Looks great, I only wonder about the steel - what exactly was your reference material? It doesn't look very steel-like to me, especially not the steel that was used to forge swords and other weapons (the pack is called "Medieval"). Iron and others are nice - scale looks like it might be steel, but the pure steel itself looks to me more like an ice.
noizex: The steel is a very similar material to the scale. That's how it's meant to be used, as layered plates (e.g. plate armor). When you put this material into that shape it'll look correct -- like hand-hammered plates of steel.
It wouldn't be the material used for a steel sword, you're right. I commissioned these materials to be used in armors. This is the reference image for steel:
Also note that these materials are diffuse + normal only. These previews just use an example Specular setting, but changing that can make the materials look like different types of metal.
Metal has no real texture, except if it has scratches, most comes from reflections.
What's a commission? Nice stuff by the way.
Great work guys, especially yughues, you have a really nice collection of textures.
Awesome Share.
These are really good textures I'm going to make weapons I made some In unity packs for open game art allready hope you like what I did I'm also making a game called free rpg for the pc with anyrpg and unity.