Code Blue | OpenGameArt.Org| Front Page | A New Look 2019
There are a couple of things I would like to address in my entry.
Who Online | Obsolete
I feel this feature is no longer needed and is slightly rendered obsolete. The reason I feel this way is that some may visit at very late times, like I am currently, and this may discourage them from posting due to there only being four or fewer people online. I could be wrong, but I feel it can interfere with bringing new creator on board.
Leaderboard | Front Page Feature Of Highest Points
The Leaderboard serves well for engagement and I think it should be on the front, with the highest person. When you press 'Leaderboard' it takes you to the 'Leaderboard' Page.
Challenges | A place for weekly, monthly, or yearly challenges to be announced
This would be good for the user to easily see what the biggest challenge Open Game Art is hosting.
Username | Opens User Menu
When this menu is expanded, it should have a little user avatar, the name, a link to settings, logout, collections, and profile.
If interested, I can elaborate more on this design.
It's a great design.
I like the color palette and layout.
Only suggestions/requests would be "new submissions", "popular collections", and/or "latest forum posts" as home page quick links. I think "popular this week" and "popular this month" may be a bit redundant - if spacing is an issue, I'd probably just go with "popular this month"
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! <3 @Snabisch
Thank you for taking the time to review this, I went over it again and came out with this. @Boom Shaka
Remember, to participate in the art challenge, your tags must include "A New Look" (not "ANewLook") and "Challenge". This should also be in the "Concept Art" category (not "2D art", and not with a tag "Concept")
@MedicineStorm Thanks! <3 I fixed the tags and moved it into concept art.