Chichen Itza - El Castillo
Edit: Well. It only took me four years to actually get back to this.
I have started this mega project again. Working on it in my after hours, so it is a lot slower than I would like. I am starting by replacing the original model with something more useful.
Here is the link to this model in sketchfab
As you can see I have taken some liberties with it.
I have never been to Chichen Itza and the reference photos I found
are misssing some details I was looking for.
End of Edit.
3 Years ago I built the city of Chichen Itza, I was in my early stages of 3D modeling and I was using Blender, though the project was finished the buildings suck and were not properly constructed. Each Model had an insane amounts of unnecessary materials and polygons that would make a professional cringe.
Fast forward to today, I have been doing tutorials, practicing, reading constructing in order to become better at what I do and although there is still a lot that I don't know, I can say that I have learned at least on thing or two.
This, is El Castillo, it is the first building of my reconstruction of Chichen Itza, I felt that with the old project I didn't do justice to this amazing city and I am here to correct my mistakes from the past.
The pyramid is constructed as a separate piece from the temple, so that you can use them indepently if you like.
If anyone has an issue with it, I ask you to kindly let me know, I will try my best to correct it, also, this is work in progress, so expect updates and finishing touches to come in a couple weeks.
It is uv unwrapped as best as I could, just give it a tiling texture and it should be fine. I recomend 1024 x 1024 textures.