Chibi komato fiend prototype with palettes, 32 bits source, indexing palettes.(1000+ cels)
Hello. Believe it or not in my project semantic and nesting is a bigger problem than production.
With that out of the way, i'm trying to devise an ideal standard for my sprites, altough putting collections together might be a problem, from my side.
This represent my new standard for standalone ranks of sprites.
(Last preview file represent the entire sequence. This sprite is complete, and as usual, has a lot of actions, so it can be reused with or without palettes to create an entire rank of foes.)
First of all, i'll provide a version with motion blur effects and one without them. In the blur version there are many sprites that aren't blurred (and in this sequence in particular there are some identical sprites)
I thought of removing the cels without motion blur from the blurred version, but in the end i decided to leave them all: Even if many cels in the blurred version are identical to the same cels in the non-blurred version, some authors might find convenient to use only one spritesheet/sequence to build their own sprite.
On that note, i'll start releasing 32 bits source spritesheet, the raw renders, along with the palettes i used to convert them, (in the zip file called "Index&Posterization Palettes" ) so who's familiar with posterizing can group the ramps how they see fit to give metallic, silk, plastic, stone, etc. etc. effects to the various materials.
Also, to remind that each of my spriteset can represent an entire rank of "monsters" i propose some palettes, in case you find another combination of colors more appealing but don't know how to manage palettes.
It shouldn't be difficult to apply any of those palettes, if you have any trouble i can apply your palette to the sprite.
Next chibi-komato-fiend submissions will have their own palettes, wich will be interchangeable with first 4 and vice-versa.
Also, the palettes are not entirely used in this particular rank, because this one is not wearing accessories with "red energy" I kept the full palette to ensure that the palettes can be swapped between ranks, so the 160 and 40 colors are referring to the full palette, not how many colors are present in the rank.
Next time i'll try and group more ranks into a single submission.

That's quite the impressive amount of animations. Do you have a key showing which specific rows & columns make up certain sequences?
Thank you for sharing.
I might consider to select some frames from "the huge spritesheet" to suggest a complete foe ready to be coded, but it would be quite energy-consuming to do it "now". Kinda like a crocodile climbing a tree.
The human mind is quite brainy, and doesn't work like a car.
The sad truth is that everyone has weak points, mine is semantic. If i do ALL the semantic naming i would never be able to release anything.
Sometimes i try to devise a criteria to separate the cels, but there are really too many
(Idle, Attack, Gethit /Stand, Crouch, Air, Falling/ Runtime, Noctrl, Splash, Menu)
I'm aware of the fact a huge spritesheet might be scary at first, but with the sequence at hand it is relatively easy to find cels within the spritesheet, perhaps i should specify how wide is the spritesheet in cels (in this case 30)
I think that selection is an action required to anchor the sprite, anyway. So i deem it superfluous from my end. After all if someone is going to code a videogame or a more or less interactive movie, he'd have to name and anchor the cels anyway.
I don't have intention to put them in a game in the foreseeable future, but should i decide to code them i'll make sure to publish the selections i used, or even the SFF directory.
This is an hobby, and i don't want to face it as if it was a dayjob.
Since the sprites are public domain, anyone including you is welcome to make their own selections and share them.
Almost forgot:
When i code stuff myself, i work with sequences.
Somebody told me they understand spritesheet better than sequences but don't have the tools or know how to make spritesheets from sequences and therefore i started providing raw spritesheets, but i'm not familiar with spritesheets.