Charging Minotaur
Friday, November 1, 2019 - 13:06
Art Type:
A derivate of:
by Clint Bellanger, CC-by 3.0 or posterior as its source material.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
CC-by 3.0

Is there a version with new textures and without the armour and with the basic axe version from before ( )?
Also are there plans for different weapons / variants (sword, mace, shaman staff)? Kind of like your great work adding many different types of beasts and animals. Also the wide array of goblin boar riders and other creatures getting a wider array of variation is quite interesting.
Do you have any plans for more new creatures and or new humanoid creature variants? Also is there a Flare Bear, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling and ~Lord of the Rings style Elf around anywhere? I known there are Flare orange orcs variants around. Yet there are still a some major missing Flare creature types commonly found in most medieval fantasy.
I might do more variants in the future of the minotaurs, but its not my plan for now, i had thought of a heavy shielder, king and shaman version. You can do this one your fist mod subject, erase the shoulder pads, golden rings and golden bits in the axe, asign the fur material to head again where there is metal to get just the improved basic.
So far there is not other fantasy races into Flare. There is a pretty good dwarf model in OGA and animated elves (i did them long ago, female only) and surely many more are around, those would be good starters for you.