Butcher's Lair Fight Theme

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I posted my last stuff. There was a lot of different work recently, and still a lot (in addition to the main work I sculpting a map for CSSource), so i don't have much time for making music as such. Whatever you think I'm dead =), i decided to make a selection of tracks made over the past two years between work, work and sleep, and share them with you. All these tracks are performed in the genre of altrock-metal, aggressive in nature, suitable for boss battles, etc. Here is one of them called "Butcher's Lair Fight", maybe you will find it useful. As usual - all tracks are looped. Soon I will do something bigger after finishing the map (map is a damn time eater!) By the way, now I finally have Patreon, where you can listen and download my music, which not quite fit the concept of the game soundtrack, find out latest news and updates, etc. Check the green button on the left.
Thank you for your attention!
Track duration: 01:42
My FREE music on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/palrom