(BBS) Simple Weapons Pack
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 06:37
Art Type:
These files can be resized with less loss via code or directly in an editor. I recommend Photoshop as that's what I use, but whatever you are skilled with will work just fine.
They are offered as 512 x 512 pixels at 300 DPI which, while increasing detail, tends to increase file size. They can safely be resized to 256 x 256, and even 128 x 128 without much loss. Anything less will become quite pixelated and is subject to your own judgement/preference.
These can be nicely combined with my Item Frames found here;
Also included is the original PSD file for Photoshop. Feel free to play around with it.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
These are completely free to use for any purpose including commercial, no attribution is required.
I only have two requests;
1) I'm an avid gamer, if you make something with my work send me a link to it so I can check it out, and maybe have
e-peen bragging rights to all my friends and family! :D
2) If you decide to upload these to some other location on the internet, please include a link to my Patreon. It
really helps me out.
If you aren't too busy be sure to check out my Patreon for that matter. I always appreciate a nice coffee! :D