Battle! (Rocky Cliffs)
Friday, November 19, 2021 - 09:40
Art Type:

A song I composed myself with zero Apple loops. I would like your feedback, because I want to know whether or not I should stick to loops.
If you do like this, I may make more songs like this.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
If you would like to credit me, call me Umplix. However, you do not need to credit me.

If you listen to this, I would like to know whether I should stick to loops or not.
Loops are often very useful. However, they rarely capture the full emotion of a song because they're meant to go on forever, when the feeling they are conveying isn't. IMHO, the most ideal format for any song I use in my games is a 3-part song:
Playing each part once in sequence makes a complete non-looping song start-to-finish. However, I also have the option of playing an infinitely extended version of the song for as long as my game needs. If the boss battle is lasting longer than one iteration of the song, I can keep adding loop segments dynamically: Intro + loop + loop + loop + loop + outro. Once the battle is wrapping up, I stop adding loops and play the outro to conclude the song.
Either that, or two tracks:
Either of those options makes any song far more useful than just a non-looping song or just a looping segment by themselves. Admittedly it's more work for you, and I won't complain if an artist chooses to just give me one instead of the 2-track or 3-part versions, but it does make songs more game-useful. :)
Thanks for the feedback, Medicine Storm! I understand your point. Using too many loops can end up without a proper intro, or outro. I will remember this in the future.
wait... when I was talking about "loops" I meant a seamlessly loopable segment of audio. I was not giving any sort of feedback on "Apple Loops" the product or its output.
Okay, I think I see your point. I should make a intro, loop and outro in different parts.
This is what you mean, right?
Yes. :)
...if you feel so inclined.
Interesting. I had never heard of Apple Loops. I was confused at first too. Kind of poor choice of software name for their product. 1) Sounds like it's affiliated with Apple. 2) An audio "loop" is a file that transisions from beginning to end seamlessly, so as not to detect when the sound restarts. "I made a looping loop with Apple Loop". ;)
Seems to be nice software though. Since you know how to use it & can create some nice works, keep using it. :)
I think MedicineStorm thought that your intention was to make a looping music file, so the recommendation was based on that.
Yes, that's it. I feel silly for giving such wordy feedback when it wasn't even what was being asked. Sorry for all the confusion. :/
I think your songs sound good, so keep doing what you're doing if it's easy and enjoyable. :)
Thank you! And the misunderstanding is okay. It was still useful information.
it sounds nice! :) I would recommend to use loops only as sort of inspiration and then create something new out of it. This way your music/sound may be more uniqe.
Thank you for the comment, Anipatok. I will keep this in mind.