Batak House Pixel Tileset
Friday, April 29, 2022 - 08:55
Art Type:
This is a tileset for creating buildings inspired by the Batak architecure style of the Indonesian Toba people. It consists of exterior and interior tiles, including some very basic furniture.
The tiles are 32x32 pixels in size.
You can check out more of my free assets here: Aurora-Sprites
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
You are also allowed to share and repost my assets (or edits thereof) as long as you credit me and provide a link that leads back here or to my homepage.
batak_house.png 40 Kb [85 download(s)]
I always get giddy to see local culture being represente I made an account just to express how delightful I am to see this. Thank you for creating and sharing 💗💗💗💗
Thank you very much! I love making assets that are not that typical medieval european fantasy stuff every now and then. But then again, I am worried if people will ever use such specific assets that don't fit the typical setting. So I am really happy to hear that my assets are appreciated. Are you from Indonesia?
I think this kind of asset would be greatly appreciated and in fact, if you kept making assets like this based in styles from all over the world, that would be popular.
People would use something like this even if they're making a game set in a completely made up world which has no cultural connection with Indonesia at all. Somebody making such a game will want to try and make their world exhibit something like the same kind of cultural variety that the real world does, and the easiest way to do that - actually probably the only way if you don't have a lot of resources - is to drop bits of culture from far-flung areas of the real world into the game's style. Games have been doing this for a long time, maybe for as long as they've had graphics. It only becomes a problem when there is some style which becomes overused in a way that is disrespectful to the culture that it comes from.
I think that most games in a fantasy setting using this kind of semi-iso style (LPC etc) could just drop a townload of this building right into their game, no problem. The only reason not to use it would be if the game has to conform specifically to some narrower style, e.g. a spaghetti Western setting. Or if the Toba people found it to be disrespectful for people to be using it, for some reason.
I agree with Emcee in this thread. And yes, I am Indonesian! Specifically Tionghua (Medan origin) and Sasak (Lombok origin) living in Java. This traditional specifically comes from North Sumatra. There are some houses in this style on my island too because a lot of the people lives by here! It is delightful to see them in your style and represented anywhere in general WITH the attribution to the culture. I find no problem with people taking inspiration from our cultural arts in any respectful manner. It happens everywhere to all cultures. But seeing them source the culture directly makes me very very surprised and happy! I hope people do it more often, makes it easier to find representative and inspirations :3
Do note that I am just one person so I cannot say the same for everyone. But I don't mind cultural inspirations being used anywhere in any setting with respect and mindfulness. However, if people were to credit the culture somewhere, even if as vague as referring it to 'Indonesian-inspired' it'll be delightful!
That's so cool! I also think most people won't mind representation, even if it's not 100 % accurate for the sake of fantasy or storytelling, as long as some honest effort was put into it. I am really happy that an actual Indonesian saw my art and felt represented. You have a culture to be proud of! The architecture on Sumatra is really cool! At least what I have found while researching looked really charming. Do you happen to know where I could find accurate pictures of interiors of houses like these? I was having trouble finding reliable resources showing furniture and general items a house like this would have inside. Thats why I made just a few very basic furniture Items. Maybe you could help me out with some links? Only if you'd like, of course.
Of course! I made a little txt here:
For some reasons (maybe ut's too long) I am unable to post it here. I may have rambled a bit.
Hm... doesnt seem to work. It just leads to:
404 Not Found
Could you try again? Maybe check if there is a timelimit on that lionk? or if you can generate a new link to it? Maybe send it to me in a private message...
Alright! I made a docs, I can send it your way, give me a moment.