Azuria, a 2-D Ringed Planet
I've noticed that there are not many ringed planets available for commercial project use, so I decided to make one myself. And since there are really no free-use ringed planets on the internet, except for maybe a Public Domain picture of Saturn, I decided to release this into the wild so that others may finally be able to use a ringed planet in their games. A sprite sheet for RPG Maker is also included.
This is the first ring planet I ever created.
Update: Now includes a Non-ringed version of Azuria for you to use! Download the new pack today! (Original download count before update: 14 downloads)
Update 2: The original-size version of Azuria was discovered among my files and has now been added to the pack! The smaller size (50% of the orig) is still in the pack for those who want it.
You may use this in any project, Commercial or Personal, as long as I get credit for it. And yes, you can modify, recolor, etc as long as you credit me for the original design.
I hope this comes in handy for anyone who wants to make a space-themed game.
Made with Photoshop 6.0
UPDATE: The licence for this project has been changed to CC-BY to allow for more flexible use in your projects. Please review the updated Read Me File here. If you need more information, please review my Art Assets FAQ.