Assets Tested With Castle Game Engine
Collection of assets (models, textures, sounds) exported to formats that the Castle Game Engine ( ) can handle.
If you'd like to add your assets to this collection, just send a message to "michalis" (on, or any communication channel of Castle Game Engine. Everyone is invited :)
Hint: If you upload assets yourself, you can also mark them with "[cge]" in the title, to have them appear here: .
Models should be tested with view3dscene and are guaranteed to work cool in your Castle Game Engine games.
All the formats supported by Castle Game Engine are allowed, like X3D, castle-anim-frames, Spine JSON and other. Of course, like all assets, you are encouraged to upload also a "source" model version (in Blender, Spine etc.), to allow people to create derivative works from it.
See the exporting documentation about how to export from various software.
Animations can be played using Castle Game Engine TCastleScene.PlayAnimation method.
Textures should be in any popular format (like PNG, JPG). We also support a number of special image formats used in 3D graphics, like DDS and KTX. The list of supported image and texture formats is here, and you can test the images by opening them in glViewImage. can automatically generate a single credits file for all of the art in this collection. Please note that, while we tried our best, this file is in no way guaranteed to be accurate, and properly attributing the work you distribute with your project remains your responsibility. You'll want to load up this file in a text editor, check to make sure everything looks good (and that any special attribution instructions are followed), and then delete the notice at the top of the file, as the notice is designed to make you look very silly if you don't check over the file and remove it.