Animations - Blood, Hit and Both :D
Sunday, March 4, 2018 - 13:12
Art Type:
- 2D::Animation/Effect
- AncientBeast
- Animations2023
- Antur Resources
- AnyRPG Visual Effects
- cc0 special effects
- Doctrine of Darkness
- Effect&Shader
- Fight
- For RPG book under GPL (1w6)
- Good CC0-Art
- Graphic FX
- hits
- Honey Guardian
- legends
- Pixel Art - JRPG
- Random Art
- Special effects
- Special Effects (CC0)
- Time travel RPG
- WC3-ish Mod
- Wolf
The actual animation is way smoother than the gif preview... is just that i don't know how to make high frame rate gifs xd.**** end NOTE.
Frame by frame animations! :D PNG, SpriteSheet format.
Just a single animation of a "hit", a blood splash, and both put together.
Sprite Sheets in which each frame is a 512 x 512 size image (2048 x 2048 total), 16 frames.
PNG format with transparency.
If you want to see more stuff like this, pls let me know, leave a comment :>
Oh yeah... and these are free so .... there you go
HAVE FUN! and make awesome games :>
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Just... don't lie and say you made this... cause you didn't (haha) These are free to use, go ahead. If you got the chance though, please mention us :) Or at least leave a like on facebook /sinestesiastudio or Instagram now :p /sinestesiaguy/
Very nice effect.
Simple effect, but very great. Thanks you for sharing :)
Cool! :)
Thank you guys for the comments! :>
Thanks for sharing your wonderful art! will be credited in my project :)
I'll really like to see your game :p
Hey thanks man I will use those can u make them gifs plz?
If I find a way to make them good quality, sure, of course
A question though, out of curiosity
Which game engine are you using that you need it in gif format? ... or maybe you're not making a game?
It got me curious because gifs don't have transparency... so it whould be hard to use in a game, isn't it?
I was hoping to find a good public domain blood splatter that was not directional, and tada, here it is! It looks great when zombies or ferocious bunny rabbits attack my character.
I've included this asset in the AnyRPG Engine. Its been featured in a YouTube livestream at and you've been added to both the in-engine credits, and the credits at