Animated Top Down Survivor Player
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 15:30
Art Type:
- 2D - Complete Characters
- 2D Characters Animateable
- 2D Topdown City Survival
- AK TopDown Characters
- Bank Heist Game
- BombLAST
- Character Sprites
- characters top down (animated)
- Collected
- g1
- Godot 2D Tactical Top-down Shooter Assets
- Isometric assets buildings and more
- Konita Tutorials - Making a Top Down Zombie Shooter in Scratch
- Over Head Top Down Art Collection
- Tank Top Down
- Top Down assets
- Top down examples
- Top Down view
- Topdown Assets
- Walk Cycles
- Wastelander
Hey there OGA community!
I've put this together to make TDS blueprinting nice and easy. Enjoy!
- Handgun - Move (20 Frames)
- Handgun - Idle (20 Frames)
- Handgun - Shoot (3 Frames)
- Handgun - Reload (15 Frames)
- Handgun - Melee Attack (15 frames)
- Rifle - Move (20 Frames)
- Rifle - Idle (20 Frames)
- Rifle - Shoot (3 Frames)
- Rifle - Reload (15 Frames)
- Rifle - Melee Attack (15 frames)
- Shotgun - Move (20 Frames)
- Shotgun - Idle (20 Frames)
- Shotgun - Shoot (3 Frames)
- Shotgun - Reload (15 Frames)
- Shotgun - Melee Attack (15 frames)
- Flashlight - Idle (20 Frames)
- Flashlight - Move (20 Frames)
- Flashlight - Melee Attack (15 Frames)
- Knife - Idle (20 Frames)
- Knife - Move (20 Frames)
- Knife - Melee Attack (15 Frames)
- Feet - Idle (1 Frame)
- Feet - Walk (20 Frames)
- Feet - Run (20 Frames)
- Feet - Strafe Right (20 Frames)
- Feet - Strafe Left (20 Frames
Planned additions:
- Flashlight + animations
- Knife + animations
- Animation: Interact
- Animation: Pick Up
- Animation: Death
- Anything else?
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Riley Gombart

This is great thanks for the upload.
pickup, death/fallover animations...
Pickup, Death animations added to the to-add list. Probably will be added last given they will have to be hand-drawn.
Great art, thanks :)
Melee weapon with attack(s)?
Good suggestions! I'll add a knife w/animations and a flashlight.
great art!
just make more soldier mor guns and enemies! :)
Added Rifle + Shotgun animations and also increased the frame rate for smoother animations!
sweeeeet.... .!!! GO on!
Amazing! Add enemies, that would be awesome :)
Oh nice, your additions are looking peach.
I've been thinking what else you could add, and with the flashlight, maybe a reload animation to change batteries could be added?
Or melee animations with the flashlight or guns?
Maybe I'm just getting excited.
Ooh - melee options with the guns - I'll see how that looks in spine. Knife and flashlight incoming.
Added Knife Animations, Flashlight Animations, and melee attack animations for every weapon! Enjoy!
I've been working on a top-down zombie shooter and this is exactly what I needed, thank you for doing such a thorough job with all the different animations! Do you have any plans to make zombies/monsters or items?
Reskins and zombies are on the way. What kind of items are you looking for? Could you expand on what you're looking for?
can't open the broken :(
BTW: you can add a background like a city...road UI ....and enemies :) seems to be working fine for me when I download it from here? I've reuploaded it - just make sure to unzip it.
Background textures and environment are in the works!
Might I also suggest a Survivor animation set where they are holding nothing, if possible?
Wow! These are really good! (I created an account just to say that :))
They are that good, that I'm tempted to replace the current sprites in the game I'm working on with these. (I'd just need some more enemy sprites to match the style)
I have one small piece of feedback though - The handgun stance is a bit strange as the body is twisted and the gun is being held off to the side. A typical stance would have the gun held in front of the face for better aiming. Here's a couple of links I found showing a top-down view of some typical handgun stances:
Fantastic work though! I'm looking forward to seeing more of it! If I could make a request though, I'd love to see more enemies. Some enemies I'd personally like to see are:
Keep up the good work! :)
Thanks - and I can see what you mean with the stance - I'll work on it. The plan was to slowly trickle more matching assets like this matching this style so that they could be used. Next up is a few zombie variations. Then I'll think about adding specials.
@Eslchr - I'll add that.
@rileygombart Some useful items could be sprites of the weapons that could act as weapon pickups in-game, or some environmental objects like top-down crates, barrels, health packs, a top-down door that opens and closes, just some generally common objects. Maybe an NPC that is unarmed? Beggars can't be choosers and I'm grateful for all the assets you've created so far, above and beyond most entries on opengameart!
This is great.
Thanks for sharing.
I put a quick demo together with a couple of your graphics (shotgun and zombie).
Go to my site - here - and take a look.
You move the shooter with the keyboard (wasd) and shoot with the space bar
@shri fun your game...haha
Hey Riley this are great, I'm using this art in my game. Are you still planning to post new zombies? Or a death animation to the existing one?
Awesome work :D
Going to use it in my game ^^
But why there isn't a "no gun or weapon" sprite? And if you are still making thse, a "driving" would be nice.
These are really Nice
Amazing work! I will use your art for sure :)
I would love to see a:
Death animation
No gun animation
More zombies ;D
Incredible!! are you still working on this??
I have some ideias for actions:
laying against wall
thowing (for grenades or other objects)
no weapon... only walking/running
thank you very much :) and keep up the good work!
cant open the file, an alert with the text cant be opened becouse of a problem with the content appears :'( any advice?
Thank you very much for uploading!
This is beyond amazing! You're extremely talented!!
It would be fantastic with a sniper animation and some more soldier :)
Nice work, think maybe you could add animations for a RPG?
You have no idea how much I love your content, you're amazing.
I'd love to see animation for an RPG or bombs (anything that can make area damage).
Thank you so much for what you're doing.
very good animations very good.Thank you
Can i use this in my game? And if so do i have to give you cred? (Well i would have done that)
Hey, I'd like to use this in my game, and I was wondering, do you have an Isometric view of all these same sprites?
Hey Riley, this art is awesome!
I understand the license you have provided - but also wanted to reach out and personally ask you if I could use these graphics in a game I am making.
I'll post a video of the project shortly when it is ready and gladly credit your work on the art assets for the player.
Thanks again for the awesome work!
Amazing work!
Do you also have the spine animation files?
Thought I would comment back and share the video of my project using this art. Not sure if you still check in here or not Riley, but if so I'd love to hear what you think and get your official blessing to use this. The art is awesome, I love it!
Here is my project "Steel Heart":
Hey all,
Thanks for the great response! Due to popular demand, I'll zip up and attach the spine files and json files for use with engines that support Spine animations.
Amazing news! You're a champ.
How about weaponless spirtes?
I have attached the Spine source files for you guys to use. Apologies for taking so long, folks - my year got insanely busy and I just forgot about this until now. Hopefully, someone can use this!
Hi, I want to offer you to participate in the creation of my project! Write me!
It is an amazing work!
The animations are perfect.
Can someone please export the animations to a .json file?
Very nice set, it perfect completes (or help to make your own templates) the "TopDown AI" from same developer on Unity Assets Store.
Nice work!
Hey bro , im using your fantastic work on an rts strategy game that im working on and im doing bunch of modifications and new animations to the character , take a look at the game im working on : and im really glad im using your wonderful work really , i wont miss you in credits in the game and once the game is on steam i will invite you to play it and give you a key =)
This is amazing! you have inspired me to make a game! Great work on these assets. Keep up the awesome job!