Alien ninja for fighting games (Stardrinkers style)
As the title says, a female alien for fighting games.
Loosely inspired by Komato, an alien race created by Daniel Remar for the videogame Iji.
I'm publishing this spriteset, even to show what is the stardrinker rendering style. (and scale)
My version of said alien race developed 5 major combat style, that they call:
Industrial suppression (some actions in this set)
Scientific destruction
The path of water
The stone door (the girl in this file is mostly using it)
Gears of insanity.
In future i'll talk about each of those martial arts and combat styles.
In the versions for fighting games they summon their weapons the moment they have to shoot or slash, in the doom versions (coming soon) they costantly carry weapons, altough some of them are constantly holding them and some other draw and sheat them.
This is a complete spriteset, it's 693 cels contains all the necessary basic actions and a reasonable amount of attacks to create several different characters for platforms such as MUGEN or OpenBor.
Probably it can be used in platformer games too.
As you can see this character in particular uses some moves from another fictional martial art (Industrial suppression)
Projectiles for her guns have to be found elsewere (Soon i'll publish appropriate projectiles in OGA too)
Soon i'll publish other sprites in this scale and style, i'm confident i made enough of them to grant enough variety.