Abusive Prison Tileset - Layer D
This contains a layer for our "Abusive Prison Tileset", this is Layer D.
This contains a set of "inspirational" banners from the people who are in charge of the prison, as well as some prison graffiti and signs for various parts of the prison.
The tileset layer is for our game in development (Star Shift). While Star Shift is a commercial product, the development process and assets are using a 100% open development model.
Pixabay - Dragon Sillhouette:
Pixabay - Evil Satan Devil Sillhouette:
Pixabay - Ninja Sillhouette:
Pixabay - Grim Reaper Sillhouette:
Pixabay - Thinking Woman's head:

I have my doubts about Pixabay License being compatible with cc0
"a. sale or distribution of Images or Videos as digital stock photos or as digital wallpapers;"
This does not have the addition "without adding any additional elements or otherwise adding value" like point b.
And yes you are not doing that, but cc0 allows your licensees to do that.
This was apparently discussed before https://opengameart.org/forumtopic/warning-pixabay-has-changed-the-licen...
If you acquired the source images last your it would be fine. I don't know how long you were working on it.
The work was pretty recent (been working on it for 2 weeks, even though the images might have been uploaded years ago). Man seems like virtually nothing is ok unless you literally draw it pixel by pixel, even if it's allowed for commercial use when I'm not actually trying to sell it or anything.
I feel like a criminal if I'm simply inspired by something and try to modify it. I can totally see why there's not enough art out there with so much red tape in the way.
Can I change the license on it to something else in order for this to work out? I just want as little hassle as possible while able to share the art.
But again the license says that I don't have to give credit at all. So is it ok if I just take the credits away and then there's no way anybody would know it came from Pixabay? I wasn't even required to give credit in the first place and I credited it as a courtesy...but if I go above and beyond to explain and show all the sources that I was inspired from and modified from, I get punished.
Making this piece of art should be 100% ok. I didn't even do straight rips either, I modified. If I'm not required to give credit, then how am I even being restricted by their license in this way? Also this only applies to some of the prison graffiti in the upper left corner, the rest was done pixel by pixel. Seems like I can't win no matter what I do, even if I follow all the rules.
Public domain is fine as a source, but as soon as it has some restrictions it's not compatible with creative commons licenses. I avoid sources that are not pd or licensed under a Creative Commons license. If you are an US citizen you might also be able to use fair use here and there, but as far as I understand that's never a sure thing and might be decided in court in the end.
No license here is compatible with that of pixabay, but I think you have to refere to the pixabay licnes, even though I'm not sure. You can leave your customly drawn eyes and mouthes so, I think.
You don't have to credit the author, but you still have to adhere to the license. Unless you put something into the public domain (if you can) there is always a license, either an explicit or an implicit one.
Did you draw the earth yourself?
I edited it from a source which does not require attribution. I took it from a rectangular map and then made it into a sphere/globe.
Unfortunately, Basto is correct: Pixabay's license is not compatible with the licenses here on OGA. (All of the pixabay sillouettes listed need to predate the pixabay licensing change. I'll check on that :)
I definitely understand licensing being a big hasstle and complicated. I know it seems like you "can't win no matter what I do, even if I follow all the rules", but one of the rules is verifying license compatibility if you aren't drawing everything from scratch. This isn't an attack on you. Your intentions are noble, but that isn't enough to make the artwork legally usable by others.
The pixabay license doesn't require credit, but it also doesn't allow relicensing derivatives to be shared on 3rd party sites, which uploading to OGA is doing. That isn't an issue for people using pixabay stuff for just their own projects. The problem is, you're sharing it here which puts other people at risk of violating the license even if you yourself aren't violating the license.
Changing the license won't fix it, because none of the licenses you could change it to on OGA would be compatible. Not mentioning credits so no one would know where they came from would not fix it either since we ask what the source is anyway; you know this: I've asked before when you didn't mention where sources came from. Intentionally omitting source information because you don't want people to find out it's not legally compatible is a bannable offense. Don't do this. I would urge you to go through your other subissions that may not have been as thoroughly vetted as this and let us know if there are concerns. You won't get in trouble for pointing out potential issues on your own submissions. We'll figure it out together. :)
I'm genuinely sorry, but unfortunately, the only thing that will fix it is to remove the parts that are based off of pixabay-licensed content. (or any other incompatible license) This includes the earth image unless you can link to its source showing it is released under a compatible license or if all the pixabay assets are from before 2019.
The "I feel like a criminal" line is getting old. We verify every submission. You're the only one getting offended by it. Here's a good guide for determining if you need to thoroughly verify the licensing of the content you're planning to submit:
Did you draw the entirety of the art from scratch?
If you're not sure how to verify a source or if you're unclear if your source's license is compatible, we're happy to answer any licensing questions. Just ask. I guarantee it will be less frustrating than submitting your hard work unsure and waiting to see if it sticks.
Ok so since I was not required to attribute (according to their license), I can just remove them as a source in these credits right?
I thought that the license terms were really clear on the Pixabay website, that I could not have to attribute it at all (but I did so as a courtesy), and that I could use it for commercial and non-commercial use. In this case, it's a non-commercial use.
This totally fits those licensing terms, and I think you're just splitting hairs here and being a little too extreme this time. "Oh shit, better not use free to use silhoettes as clip art in another piece of art".
Sorry I wont be removing my modified sillhouettes, I did make them (they are modified), and I was not required to attribute.
You guys really suck on this one...
You are correct. YOU are able to use the pixabay content in your game. The question was not about what YOU are allowed to do. the concern was if EVERYONE ELSE that downloads this asset would be violating the license because, based on our current understanding of pixabay's license, it doesn't allow people to re-share content on other asset sharing sites.
Using it in starshift is fine. that was NEVER THE ISSUE. We were NEVER saying you stole the assets or were not allowed to use them. The concern, from the beginning, was if we, OpenGameArt, are at risk of violating pixabay's license by hosting it here.
As I mentioned above, the pixabay assets are fine to host here so long as they were uploaded before 2019. As I mentioned above, I would check into that. Fortunately, I was able to verify that all the pixabay components were from pre 2019, so they were available as CC0. Although you did not download them before 2019, I felt that was probably not a contention. Therefore, the major concern is not really an issue.
Unfortunately, it seems you couldn't wait that long and decided to go back to the abrasive and insulting posts you were warned about several times.
I'm pretty disappointed you seem to miss the point EVERY TIME I ask for licensing clarification: It isn't about you. I don't care what you do with your assets or even if you're allowed to use them or not, but it's my job to care if OTHER PEOPLE are going to get in legal trouble for using what you submit. The request to modify or verify the pixabay content was not out of disrespect for you. It was out of respect for Pixabay's wishes: "Don't redistribute or sell someone else's Pixabay images or videos on other stock or wallpaper platforms."
Yes, I know you aren't a stock or wallpaper platform... but OGA is. Hosting pixabay-licensed content on OGA is redistributing.
Yes, I know you have no intention of selling this pixabay derived content... but the licenses on OGA allow others do to so, which would make those other people in violation of pixabay's license.
Yes, I know now they are all pre 2019, so pixabay's license doesn't apply... but that is what we were trying to determine.
Yes, I know you have been banned... but it wasn't for licencing violations.
you were banned for repeated insulting behavior.
you were banned for continuously shirking the obligation to make sure all assets are legally sound to be distributed on OGA.
you were banned for repeatedly scoffing at requests for source clarification, showing no regard for the consequences it poses to everyone else who downloads your assets.
We don't expect people to know all this stuff right away. We're happy to explain what is needed and help with determining if an asset can be hosted on OGA. However, after you do the same exact thing 14 times, and get defensive every time we explain how it works, you aren't "new", you're deliberately remaining ignorant. You are more of a detriment to this community than a benefit. This is why you were banned.