8x8 PICO-8 Tile Set 1
Saturday, June 25, 2022 - 16:41
Art Type:
Here is an 8x8 Pixel Art Tile set for PICO-8 or any any game/engine. Just remember to set the tile width and height to 8x8 or, resize the image to suit your needs. This tileset has creatures, ships (water/flying), grass, tree, bush, but many of these can be reinterpretred by the viewer/player... Asset reuse is a thing when working on with low memory limits that the PICO-8 has.

it amazes me how one can suggest details that arent even really there at such small sizes. a single pixel artfully placed and the brain says "that's a leg!"
it is a cool set
LOL, thank you. I found that, when making pixel art this low, it also forced my brain to make up for what's not seen/not there. "What do I remove and what do I keep? When every pore on a character's face is rendered, nothing is left to the imagination, or the stories the player can make in their heads.
This is one of the most awesome 8x8 packs I've ever seen!
Thank you. I started this thinking "less pixels should be easy", but it was humbling. Expecially when you see what some pixel artist can do with animated 8x8 sprites. That's really to show off. I'm not there, LOL.
You've done a great job, man!