8bit Menu Highlight
Sunday, June 7, 2020 - 04:26
Art Type:

Short chiptune sound to represent the highlighting of an option on a menu, or the press of a button.

Short chiptune sound to represent the highlighting of an option on a menu, or the press of a button.
Thanks for sharing. I am using this as Button sound in a small educational game project (destroying enemy ships by solving math problems) I made for my kids.
If you want to have a look, it is available on PC (https://majadroid.itch.io/captain-goldstar) and Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.majadroid.CaptainGoldstar).
Nice!! Thank you for using it :D
Nice sound. Can I use this in my android game ?
I'll give credit in my game's credit section. Plz reply ASAP!
Of course you can... that's why I posted it. :d Also since this sound is public domain, you don't need to credit me.
I want to give credit, i already have a credit section in my game! So should I give credit to open game art or do you have any site??
If you really want to you can credit me as Fupi and link to my website: https://fupicat.github.io
@Artistic GameDeveloper: Just so you know, not everyone is responsive as Fupi. Every artist who submits their work to this website has already given you permission to use thier assets. Although it is sometimes nice, you don't need to explicitly ask before using them. In fact, most artists may never reply to your request, so if this blanket "You have permission to use anything on the site so long as you adhere to the license" is not sufficient for you, you may be waiting a very long time.